Up Customer Testimonials

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The Frost Waterfowl Trust strives to produce the best mallards in our field.  Rewarding waterfowling requires that the duck has natural and strong survival instincts.  Frost mallards have these instincts plus the right color, body shape, and the strength to successfully migrate.

For many reasons, ducks of this quality cost more to produce.  Hens, for instance, lay up to 75% fewer eggs than fat game farm mallards.  Eggs, as well as ducklings, are extensively culled to produce only the right body shape and overall size.  The ducklings are weather conditioned at only a few days of age.  An ideal time for shipment and introduction into your habitat is at 4 weeks of age.  With ample natural foods or a supplemental feeding program, the birds are flying at 8 to 9 weeks - the same as mother nature's offspring.

Do not be misled by our competitors despite their claims for genetic quality.  Their birds routinely fly at no less than 11 weeks and usually it is 12 to 13 weeks of age.  Moreover, the Frost bird is truly wild acting and without adequate habitat will leave in search of the classic duck marsh.  The typical game farm bird is not only slow to fly, but actually appears content when used in some type of tower shoot or game preserve program.  The Frost bird, like wild birds, needs habitat, space, and if over hunted, will leave.

Check out what Frost Customers have to say or contact us for further information regarding these outstanding birds.


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